Monday, December 28, 2015

Gratitude 366

I’m walking my dog on a quiet Sunday morning when inspiration strikes.  Like a kettle that slowly comes to a boil and then blows, I realize it’s an idea that has been swirling around for sometime, waiting for my overly occupied brain to retrieve.
I’m going to use my camera to remind me how amazing and fortunate I am to live the life I’ve been given.  Everyday, I’m going to take a picture of something I am grateful for.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciative, something that lately, I have neglected.  Everyday before I leave for work, I make sure to be thankful for the good things in my life.  Lately however, a busy schedule and financial stress along with some parenting challenges have thrown it to the side, like a forgotten favorite toy.
I’m so bored of being exhausted from living under all the stress that everyday life can dish out.  I have a wonderful family, great friends and a stable job.  Unfortunately, I tend to forget about the great things in my life and how good I have it, compared to so many.  This project is going to remind me of all that.
I am excited for the first time in weeks.  I love photography and the opportunity to create.  So this project, which I’m calling Gratitude 366 (2016 is a leap year), is going to be gratifying and I hope, a lot of fun. 
A couple of years ago, I did a similar project, loosely titled  “family”.  It was great, but my family became a little irritated by my constant and enthusiastic (and sometimes bizarre) requests for models and poses.
This will be different.  It will force me to think about only the good, positive, amazing things in the world and in my life.  It will have intention.  At least, that is my goal.  And hopefully, my family will be happy with this decision as well.
Starting January 1st, I’m going to photograph something, anything really, that I’m grateful for.  Those images will not sit idly on my hard drive though.  They will be posted everyday on my Flickr ( and Instagram pages.  It will keep me accountable and excuses will be harder to come up with. 
Until then, I’m going to start a list.  After all, one picture a day for a year is a bit of a commitment—but I’m grateful for the challenge.

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