Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Attitude of Gratitude

My breath puffs out in large streams, turning the tips of my hair frosty white.  I push through the snow and lean into the blustery arctic wind.  My cheeks are frozen and my nose is running.  Everything about this moment is uncomfortable.  I love it.
My friends and family will be surprised at this admission.  Winter has never been my favorite season for so many reasons:  I have to wear to many layers of clothing, endure freezing cars, shovel heaps of snow and I loath the way the bitter cold makes my body hurt. I could go on, as could most Canadians.  But I will stop there. 
The reason for this change is all about attitude and gratitude.  My 366 Project, which I’ve been doing faithfully for 17 days now, has played a major role.  Instead of thinking about how awful winter can be my mind has been busy thinking about how grateful I am for everyone and everything in my life.  Even before heading out the door, I realize I’m thankful for my warm clothes, for a cozy house to come back to, for the beautiful, pristine snow that blankets the earth.  For my awesome dog.
I also keep in mind something the Norwegians like to say:  “There is no such thing as crappy weather, just crappy clothes.”  They are so right. 
I look up and push my toque back so I can see a little more around me.  I have found a quiet and peaceful place to walk, and I am thankful for this break from my busy life.  Even if it is -25. 
At first, I worried that this project would be difficult.  How am I going to find something to be thankful for everyday?  What’s going to happen when I have a bad day, when things go wrong?  Well so far, the bad moments haven’t affected me the way they usually would and I think I know the reason.  I have had stressful moments certainly.  But I am thinking more and more about the good things, the amazing things around me, and the joy that comes from that has infected my entire attitude.  I have had no problem finding something or somebody to be thankful for.  Everyday.
But hey, I don’t want to paint a picture of myself walking around with a big smile on my face, all wide eyes and skipping while singing What A Wonderful World.  It’s not like that.  It’s more like I’ve finally surfaced after years of letting myself get dragged down by circumstances.  The last two weeks, laughter and smiles have come more easily.  It helps of course, that I have my camera in my hands everyday.  It is my passion.  Doing something I love is definitely an asset.

So I will carry on with my project and my new attitude.  I wonder where this will take me and what else I am going to learn.  I’m excited to find out.