Sunday, February 22, 2015

Four "Real Simple" Recipes Reap Results

I’m paging through a subscription to Real Simple magazine when I get to the back and glance over the recipe section.  Usually, it’s a cursory thought of “maybe I should actually use some of these recipes”.  And then I don’t.  Ever.
But this time, I notice the heading in large bold face type:  EASY DINNER.  Now I’m interested.
Probably like many people, parents especially, I find the task of making unique and delicious meals daunting.  And when you add how busy we all are to the mix and how picky our kids can be, it’s a matter of waving the white flag and calling up for pizza.
These recipes however, actually look fairly simple.  As I run through the list of ingredients, they are items I recognize and can find easily in a grocery store.  Because I am so utterly tired of recycling the same food every day, I am suddenly inspired to do something new and for once, refreshing, as food goes.  So I decide to try one new recipe each week for four weeks and use my family as guinea pigs.
My first attempt is Pork and Rice Meatball Soup.    It can be found on the Real Simple website here:
I spread out the ingredients and tackle the recipe, relishing this new undertaking in such a mundane area of my life.  I love being able to create something that is new to me.  It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a photograph, a story and now apparently, food.  The food comes together in a wonderful burst of flavor in my mouth.  I would have never thought to put these items together and am grateful to those who know how to do it and share their knowledge. 
The result is met with great enthusiasm by my husband and kids, and they enjoy it all, right down to the spinach.
Next on my list is Noodles with Flaked Salmon and Crispy Bok Choy Slaw.  It can be found here:
The title of this one intimidates me.  I’ve never cooked with bok choy and am unsure of how to make a slaw.  But I persevere and am delighted with the results.  Even more, I am happy to discover my always-picky son loves the salmon.  I make a mental note to remember to marinate it in teriyaki sauce next time.  I love the simple mixture of fresh limejuice, teriyaki sauce and a little salt and pepper.  The slaw is also simple to make and takes less than 10 minutes to chop and mix. 
The picture of my next recipe doesn’t exactly make me excited to tackle it.  It’s Steak with Cauliflower Puree and Crispy Quinoa.  Here it is:
I’m not a fan of beef.  (I know that’s surprising, coming from a born and raised southern Alberta girl).  So my attitude going in is not what is should be.  However, my family is avid beefeaters.  So I take it on.  I puree cauliflower and fry the quinoa, both of which are new to me.  In the end, my family enjoys only the beef.  I guess mashed up vegetables and fried quinoa are too new to them.  My daughter always the optimist tries hard not to hurt my feelings, telling me she enjoyed it, but “just not the taste”. 
My last attempt is Roasted Vegetable and Wild Rice Salad with Almond-Parsley Sauce:
While I have made meatless meals before, (does tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches count?) I have never put something like this together.  It feels odd walking through the grocery store and leaving without meat.  On top of that, I have a difficult time finding acorn squash and have to go to another store to find it along with manchego cheese, which I discover comes from sheep of the manchega breed from Spain, according to Wikipedia.
As I prepare the food, I realize this is something my kids will most likely not be interested in.  So I make it for my husband and I.  It’s probably my dislike of squash and perhaps my inexperience in making it, but it falls flat in my mouth.  It makes me realize how much a cook’s attitude toward the food is revealed in their cooking.  
This new venture into a tiny piece of the culinary universe has been a breath of fresh air for me, for my family and my kitchen.   I feel like a whole new world has opened up. I intend to do some exploring.